It is a known fact that play is an essential part of learning and growing up for all children. It assists the child to learn such things as forming different shapes, counting and conversing with others. All of which plays an essential role in their development and education. It is therefore worth encouraging play for children of all ages! A very effective method of encouraging play, while also educating the child is by means of music. By listening to music and singing along their memory becomes more potent. All children enjoy music, this allows them to learn without realizing. Therefore the learning process is not as hard for them, as when they are taught directly.

Because they enjoy music, they are learning from both the collaboration of music and play, thereby increasing their learning. The music gives them the ability to absorb information, while play brings out their creative and observational skills. All of which are key skills to aid their development that they will be able to do well in their education, and their lives as a whole. Over recent years, more and more people have become aware of the need to collaborate music with play for their children’s development and education.

John Mews, MA, BMT a local music therapist is trained and experienced in this field. He works with parents and children, especially those parents whose children are slow to learn, or having difficulty in absorbing information. The priority of the music therapist is to encourage cooperation by combining music with play to enhance the learning process of many children whose education would otherwise be badly affected. This Collaboration of Music Therapy With Play Therapy is definitely recommended for any parent who would like to enhance the learning of their children. Thereby, preparing them for not only their education, but also their entering into adulthood and their overall life.