Kids sure do love Halloween. This is one of those times they can dress up and have sweet treats at the same time. Amidst all the fun that comes with Halloween, it is important that adults have the following safety tips in mind for the young ones as they go out trick-or-treating.

When it comes to dressing up remember:

  • Costumes should fit a child well. They should be short enough to avoid tripping or coming into contact with flames.
  • Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags.
  • Go for costume accessories that are flame resistant when shopping.
  • Avoid sharp, long canes or sticks in a child’s costume because it may hurt him or her.
  • Make sure children have flashlights which have batteries together with their escorts.
  • Avoid decorative contact lenses if they are not authorized by a doctor. They may cause eye complications.
  • Teach and encourage the child to use 911 if they are in any kind of trouble.

At home, parents can ensure safety by:

  • Clearing the porch from anything children can trip on while trick-or-treating.
  • Sweeping the sidewalks clean from any snow or wet leaves.
  • Making sure outdoor lighting is in working condition

While engaging in trick-or-treating ensure:

  • Children are always accompanied by an adult
  • For the older children, go through the route they will follow and make sure you approve of it.

To ensure a healthy Halloween, parents should:

  • Ensure children have a good meal before setting out for trick-or-treating
  • Sort out candy that is brought back home. This ensures that there are no suspicious things, spoiled candy or unwrapped candy.

In preparing Halloween decorations:

  • Children should never carve pumpkins by themselves. Instead, they can draw the face and an adult does the cutting.
  • Use flashlights instead of candles to avoid injuries by fire.
  • Pumpkins lit by candles should be placed on a study table away from any curtains to avoid fires.